DLC Events is the largest conference system provider in the Middle East, offering technical event solutions for the local and international markets. They have been an official Interprefy AV partner since June 2020. They are dedicated to supporting their clients' requirements and finding the most suitable technology to suit their needs, and utilising Interprefy AI on this occasion allowed them to deliver the language services needed by the client without the usual high budget associated with professional interpreters.


Leading Dubai-based destination management company, Pure Arabia, was tasked with delivering a sales kick-off meeting for a global pharmaceutical client who held their event at the start of February 2024 in Dubai.  The organisation had a substantial delegation from Japan, requiring simultaneous interpretation from English to Japanese for their three-day event.

The Challenge

Given that the conference was an internal sales training meeting, there was not an extensive budget available for language services, yet having a comprehensive understanding of the topics on the agenda was imperative for all attendees, regardless of their native tongue.  

English to Japanese is one of the most expensive language combinations to source professional interpreters for, especially with a focus on the pharmaceutical industry.  DLC Events was unable to find interpreters available locally in the region, but with no revenue being generated directly from the event, the client was unable to allocate a budget to cover the cost of the interpreters, let alone the travel expenses related to sourcing them internationally.

The Approach

DLC Events proposed an innovative solution that provides AI speech translation and captions, Interprefy AI, to cater to the Japanese attendees' needs.

We understand that our clients have varying budgets for their events, and having the ability to fulfil their requirements with an even more cost effective solutions helps us maintain the relationship without compromising the client's bottom line. The use of Interprefy AI solutions has been a fantastic help in these situations." Abhishek Salve, Project Manager at DLC Events

The client assisted with a list of event-specific terminology that was used by Interprefy to customise the AI translation engines and deliver an accurate rendition of the presenter’s content.  

This solution was able to be integrated with DLC’s tour guide receivers at the venue, providing a simple way of accessing the translated content without the international participants having to do anything more than pick up the receiver on their table.  

The hardware required was minimal:

  • Two laptops: one to stream the English event audio/video to Interprefy, and a second one to receive the Japanese AI translation,
  • one transmitter for the tour guide equipment and,
  • a selection of receivers and headphones for the Japanese-speaking delegates.  

The equipment was easily moved from the main ballroom to a breakout room for the final day of the event by the on-site technician.  

The Outcome

Pure Arabia was able to provide the requested language services to their pharmaceutical client without incurring the high expenses associated with using  Japanese interpreters with a specialty in pharmaceutical knowledge.  

Our client was extremely impressed with the quality of the AI translation provided for their event. The Japanese delegation were able to follow the event easily in their own language without the costs of interpreters for 3 days.  DLC Events were a pleasure to work with again on this project. Fahad Ehsan, Senior Project Manager at Pure Arabia

The Japanese attendees were able to listen to the content and follow the sessions in their language while the client managed to keep their costs down. 

DLC events - Interprefy