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2 min read

Dansk Industri employs remote interpreting for over 250 delegates

By Kim Ludvigsen on Nov 29, 2018 9:45:00 AM


The Confederation of Danish Industri (DI) is Denmark’s largest, most representative and most influential business and employers’ organisation, covering manufacturing as well as service industries across sectors such as transport, energy, IT, health, trade and professional services. DI’s event team wanted to hold a conference with Arabic-speaking participants in January 2017 at the Hotel Narcissus in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The event was organised using the hotel's WiFi network at very short notice.

Topics: Conferences Educational Institutions & Associations Finance and Insurance In-Person Events
3 min read

MCI Australia: RSI in 8 languages for the World Congress of Accountants

By Patricia Magaz on May 3, 2018 5:42:00 PM

The 20th World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) is a meaningful event for the global accounting profession. The international accounting conference represents a chance to engage with visionaries and leaders and to bring their expertise to the world stage. It only occurs every four years and brings together more than 6,000 delegates from over 130 countries to hear world-class speakers and leaders across the finance and business communities.

Topics: Conferences Educational Institutions & Associations Finance and Insurance In-Person Events