AVIXA is the audiovisual and integrated experience association, the community for creative professionals who use technology to create integrated experiences. Their members believe that audiovisual technology can change how people communicate and experience the world.
4 min read
AVIXA: Driving inclusion with AI translated captions and sign language
By Patricia Magaz on Mar 2, 2023 2:47:12 PM
Topics: Inclusivity In-Person Events Live Captions Accessibility Sign Language AI speech translation
3 min read
Axians: AI-translated captions to boost engagement at a 3D virtual event
By Patricia Magaz on Feb 8, 2023 9:22:00 AM
Axians is an international network of Information & Communication Technologies service providers and software manufacturers. Axians' specialised consulting, design, integration and service teams develop bespoke digital transformation solutions that contribute to successful business outcomes for their customers.