As we’re venturing into the new year, many companies are finalising the preparation of their sales kick-off meetings. These meetings are a fantastic opportunity for sales, marketing, product, and customer support teams to meet, celebrate, get motivated and strategise for the future, but they require a ton of work.
Recent posts by Patricia Magaz
3 min read
Sales kick-off meetings: Engaging global teams with live translation
By Patricia Magaz on November 10, 2022
Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Inclusivity Live Captions AI speech translation
6 min read
Virtual sales kick-off meetings for global teams
By Patricia Magaz on November 7, 2022
Going into the new year, hosting a sales kickoff (SKO) is a great opportunity to rally your sales and marketing organization around your latest company strategies, plans, and best practices.
Topics: Virtual Events Event Solutions
7 min read
“What if the Wi-Fi fails” and other remote interpreting myths debunked
By Patricia Magaz on October 26, 2022
Remember the times when suggesting working from home was seen as an absurdity? “There’s no way you can be productive at home”, and other worries long presented a barrier to what today is a driver for productivity. As with any innovation, similarly, the rise of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation has left many with a few basic questions and concerns.
Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Interpretation Technology In-Person Events
12 min read
Live translation options for Zoom: interpretation and AI captions
By Patricia Magaz on September 27, 2022
You're hosting a business meeting, town hall, or webinar on Zoom, but not everyone joining speaks the same language. Know the feeling? That's where live translation solutions like remote simultaneous interpretation, captions, subtitles and AI speech to speech translation can make the impossible possible.
Zoom offers some built-in language capability but, as many have found out, not the serious capability needed for serious events. Interprefy offers the same high-function multi-lingual support for Zoom as it does for other meeting and conferencing platforms.
Language interpretation, Zoom integration, and managed interpretation services ensure a seamless experience for all parties, to even the most complex set-ups, like for example The White House Summit on Climate Change.
Topics: Multilingual Web Conferencing Zoom Multilingual Meetings Live Captions
4 min read
Web conferencing with live language translation: options and cost
By Patricia Magaz on September 19, 2022
It’s hard to believe that just a few years ago most events were not fully capable of reaching large multinational audiences. Now, web conferencing and video broadcasting platforms, like ON24, Zoom and Microsoft Teams, have removed physical limitations from virtual events. Event planners and marketing teams are now able to attract audiences from across the globe, as long as they have a strong internet connection. However, inefficient language translation remains a stark barrier of access to events and creates extra friction. Without a common language or translation tool, many people feel excluded and will not attend the event.
Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Online Events Multilingual Web Conferencing Live Captions
4 min read
5 Benefits of live language translation for marketing events
By Patricia Magaz on September 14, 2022
With the rise of online video conferencing technology, it has become easier for brands to create events that can reach large, multi-national audiences. But reaching new listeners isn’t the same as getting through to them. For that, you need to be able to speak their language.
Language is a major barrier when organising an inclusive virtual event. There are many types of translation services available, including: real-time AI translation, interpreting technology, and written translation such as captions and subtitles. However, it can be difficult to choose a service that best fits the needs of your event. This article explores why adding web conferencing with language translation to events is key to driving meaningful brand engagement.
Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Live Captions
7 min read
Types and modes of interpretation you need to know
By Patricia Magaz on August 22, 2022
Interpretation is the art of transforming a message from one language to another, either through speaking or signing. Unlike translation, which involves written communication, interpretation is done verbally or through sign language. This crucial distinction between the two is what sets them apart.
Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Interpreters
4 min read
Remote simultaneous interpretation: 3 on-site and hybrid scenarios
By Patricia Magaz on August 17, 2022
A hybrid event combines in-person and online elements. In other words, an in-person event that has speakers, attendees or interpreters connecting and participating remotely, is a hybrid event.
Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Hybrid Events In-Person Events PCO
4 min read
Simultaneous interpretation cost comparison: in-person vs remote
By Patricia Magaz on July 18, 2022
The widespread adoption of digital technology has made simultaneous interpretation more accessible than ever before. While in-person interpretation has witnessed a post-pandemic renaissance for professional, large-scale events, the advent of remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) options has enabled effective international conversations to take place without the need for an on-site interpreter. Ultimately making the delivery of simultaneous translation more simple, reliable, and cost-effective than ever before.