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Revolutionising multilingual meetings-10 ways Interprefy Now stands out
Revolutionising multilingual meetings-10ways Interprefy Now stands out

Language barriers pose a significant challenge in international professional face-to-face setups, especially when trying to put ideas forward, reach an agreement or achieve effective communication in spontaneous, non-event-like scenarios. As multilingual conversations unlocks benefits, including increased productivity, improved collaboration, and faster decision-making, the need for seamless real-time translation is more critical than ever.

Imagine you are hosting a meeting, a guided tour, a negotiation or a training session and you have 6 people who speak four different languages. Even if you had limitless budget and four interpreters, without a significant audiovisual rig, what would you even do? Enter Interprefy Now – a revolutionary solution designed to make real-time translation effortless and accessible for in-person professional meetings and gatherings. Here’s what sets Interprefy Now apart from other translation solutions out there.

Ten ways Interprefy Now is different 

1. Small and medium-sized multilingual face-to-face meetings possible

Before Interprefy Now, there really was no way of getting up to 30 people who speak different languages to communicate without professional interpreters and audiovisual setup. You were required to install microphones to gather the speakers' sound, infrared radio receivers for them to listen to the interpretation, interpreting booths or remote interpreting equipment for interpreters to work remotely. Interprefy Now it's the only mobile app that allows people to communicate in their own language in any professional setup. 

2. Simplified multilingual meeting experience

Traditional translation solutions often involve complex setups, including having an interpreter standing beside you. With a traditional setup, you would have to source interpreters in the language combinations needed who are available to travel to your meeting location, or install additional audiovisual equipment so they can work remotely. This not only increases the logistical burden but can also disrupt the flow of the meeting extending its duration if the meeting features consecutive interpretation. Interprefy Now changes all of that. Our app translates for each participant in their preferred language in real-time as the speaker talks, ensuring that your meeting duration remains the same, without any extensions and no extra hassle. The app works on iPhone and Android phones. 

3. No additional equipment needed

Forget about purchasing or passing around special devices. With Interprefy Now, all attendees need is their mobile phone and an internet connection. They simply download the app, and when the meeting starts, they scan a QR code provided by the organiser to join the session. This hassle-free setup means no more fumbling with audiovisual equipment, special translation devices, or dealing with technical difficulties.

4. Fast delivery and operation

Not only does Interprefy Now allow multilingual meetings and activities to carry on at something like their monolingual pace, it's also fast to get it running. Only the meeting organiser needs to be subscribed and once the account is set up, you can run your meetings anytime and anywhere. All you need to do is run the app and share your meeting's QR code with your participants. 

5. Thousands of language combinations available

One of the standout features of Interprefy Now is its ability to translate up to 6400 language combinations. This means you can have as many languages as attendees in your meeting. No longer are you limited by the number of available interpreters or forced to default to a common language like English. Every participant can listen and speak in their preferred language in real time, fostering more inclusive and effective communication.

6. User-friendly interface

If you are the meeting organiser, all you need to do is show your meeting QR code to your attendees. Upon scanning the QR code, participants are guided to select their preferred language for speaking and listening. To speak, simply press the 'speak' button, and once done, press it again to allow others to contribute to the conversation.

7. Added accessibility with live subtitles

Interprefy Now offers cutting-edge AI speech translation that allows meeting participants to effortlessly listen through their headphones or earpiece, along with live captions and subtitles. If the speaker is speaking a language you understand, automatic captions will appear on your phone screen as you listen. And if the speaker is using a language you don't understand, you can seamlessly access AI speech translation and read AI-translated captions in your preferred language while they speak. Additionally, you can scroll up and down the subtitles if you've missed something and subtitles benefit everyone, including the hard of hearing. 

8. Best-in-class AI quality guaranteed

Interprefy Now leverages the cutting-edge Interprefy AI, which evaluates and enhances AI engines across all language combinations in the market. This ensures that when you opt for Interprefy Now, you are guaranteed to have access to the most advanced AI speech translation and multilingual captioning technology available today.

9. Flexible subscription model

Interprefy Now offers a flexible subscription model tailored to meet your needs. Only the meeting organiser needs to be subscribed, with plans ranging from a maximum of 10 hours a month up to 200 hours. Each plan includes five languages, with the option to add more at an additional cost. This ensures you only pay for what you need, making it a cost-effective solution for any organisation.

10. Straightforward setup and customisation

Once you purchase your subscription, we help you set up your Interprefy Now account with the languages you need and your specific glossary to enhance our AI’s performance. This means you can use the app on demand, customised to your unique requirements. The setup process is straightforward, ensuring you’re ready to go without any delays.

How Interprefy Now works

1. Download the App: Attendees download the Interprefy Now app on their mobile phones.

2. Scan the QR Code: At the start of the meeting, the organiser displays a QR code.

3. Join the Session: Attendees scan the QR code and choose the language in which they will speak and listen during the meeting.

4. Push on-push off: One speaker at a time presses the button to speak and presses it again once they're done to let others talk. 

Transform your international in-person meetings today

Interprefy Now is not just a translation app; it’s a tool that transforms the way we communicate in international, in-person settings. By making real-time translation accessible and straightforward, we’re breaking down language barriers and enabling more inclusive and productive meetings.

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Patricia Magaz

Written by Patricia Magaz

Learn about the latest developments at Interprefy by Patricia Magaz, Global Content Manager at Interprefy.