7 min read

Interpreter profile: Patrick Lehner

By Richard Roocroft on July 29, 2019

In this interpreter profile, Patrick Lehner discusses his experiences, how remote simultaneous interpreting has helped win new, smaller clients, before expanding on his career challenges and thoughts on where the interpreting industry is heading. 

Topics: Interpreters
4 min read

Will interpreters be replaced by technology? 

By Kim Ludvigsen on May 1, 2018

What is the future of interpretationWill interpreters be replaced by technology? These are all increasingly common questions in an industry experiencing a flow of technology-based platforms. 

Topics: Interpreters Interpretation Technology
7 min read

What does an interpreter do? A day in the life

By Kim Ludvigsen on September 4, 2017

Interpreters live exciting lives. No two days are the same. They are always on the go and they are their own masters with a lot of freedom – and how about their life-work balance. 

Topics: Interpreters