<img src="https://ws.zoominfo.com/pixel/ODemgiDEhQshzjvCQ1qL" width="1" height="1" style="display: none;">
8 min read

Ten tips for creating stunning international hybrid events

By Markus Aregger on June 22, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns during 2020 and 2021 forced event managers to rethink how they host conferences, seminars, workshops, and other meetings. 

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Live Captions Event Solutions
6 min read

What is a hybrid event and how do I get started?

By Markus Aregger on June 16, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic forced event planners to shift to virtual events in March 2020. While this was an unexpected challenge, many event organisers found great success with virtual events and embraced the benefits that the virtual world brought to their events.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Hybrid Events
3 min read

8 tips for interpretation success in virtual meetings on Zoom or Teams

By Patricia Magaz on June 1, 2023

Thanks to online meeting platforms like Zoom, Teams, or Webex, connecting with colleagues, peers, clients, or partners across the globe is now easier than ever. However, language barriers can still hinder meeting success.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Microsoft Teams Zoom Multilingual Meetings
8 min read

Multilingual MS Teams meetings: 3 options for language interpretation

By Patricia Magaz on March 19, 2023

When it comes to virtual or hybrid meetings, Microsoft Teams stands out as a top choice for many. Its user-friendly interface and versatility make it an everyday tool for both impromptu and scheduled discussions among peers.

Breaking down language barriers in Teams meetings has never been easier. Microsoft has introduced a new built-in feature that makes it possible for people of multiple languages to collaborate seamlessly in Teams. But that's just the beginning. There are several other ways to enhance your Teams meetings and make them more inclusive. Keep reading to find out more.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Multilingual Web Conferencing Microsoft Teams Multilingual Meetings
7 min read

From analogue to virtual - why it's time to upgrade the interpreter booth

By Markus Aregger on March 6, 2023

In today's globalized world, communication across different languages is more important than ever before. As businesses expand their operations to new markets, there is a growing need for interpreters to bridge language barriers and facilitate communication.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Event Management PCO
2 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 15

By Dora Murgu on December 21, 2022

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast below:




Available for download on:


Find out how Daniel turned into an interpreter from a craftsman, whether Interprefy has people onsite, the challenges of covering various time zones, and what happens behind the scenes regarding event planning and preparation. 
Hit that play button to hear this and many more exciting topics they covered in this episode.


Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Interpreters Interprefy Podcast Event Solutions
7 min read

Built to scale: adding simultaneous interpretation to on-site events

By Patricia Magaz on December 13, 2022

Adding language interpretation to on-site events has traditionally been a logistical challenge. It often involved finding interpreters and then organizing their travel, food, and accommodation — to say nothing of sourcing and setting up interpretation equipment.

Fortunately, since 2014, Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) technology has made interpretation faster, easier, and more cost-effective to organize than ever before. In this article, we’ll explore how RSI works for on-site events, the benefits of RSI, and what event planners should look for in an ideal RSI solution.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Event Management In-Person Events PCO
4 min read

The demand for sustainable events is heating up

By Oddmund Braaten on November 17, 2022

Unless you haven’t heard, there’s a pretty big sustainability conference taking place in Egypt this month, aiming to once again highlight the action (or lack of) on climate change over the past year.

Managers in the events industry will be keeping a keen eye on progressions, as the conference couldn’t come at a more perfect time. In-person events are back in full swing, but with plenty of appetite for sustainable events from attendees, many are looking for help in delivering eco-friendly events that go beyond simply hosting them online.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Sustainability Live Captions Event Solutions
3 min read

Sales kick-off meetings: Engaging global teams with live translation

By Patricia Magaz on November 10, 2022

As we’re venturing into the new year, many companies are finalising the preparation of their sales kick-off meetings. These meetings are a fantastic opportunity for sales, marketing, product, and customer support teams to meet, celebrate, get motivated and strategise for the future, but they require a ton of work.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Inclusivity Live Captions AI speech translation