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6 min read

The Evolution of Meeting  Interpretation: From Interpreters to AI

By Patricia Magaz on June 20, 2024

In business, effective communication is the cornerstone of success. This is true whether you’re in a high-stakes meeting, pitching to investors or meeting with your team. However, communication is challenging in multilingual settings where language barriers can lead to misunderstandings. 

Companies have traditionally defaulted to English when participants don't speak the same language. In-person interpreters and remote simultaneous interpreters are primarily used at high-stakes meetings or big conferences because, while effective, these solutions take time to organise and can be expensive. Fortunately, we’ve entered a new era where AI-driven technology has made language translation more accessible and affordable for businesses of all sizes. 

Topics: AI speech translation Event Solutions
5 min read

How to run accurate multilingual conferences in the financial sector

By Patricia Magaz on February 22, 2024

Global cooperation plays a crucial role in stimulating economic development. Within the finance and insurance sectors, multilingual meetings and events play a vital role. These events serve as a crucial platform for negotiations, boosting productivity, and nurturing partnerships among industry stakeholders.

As global events unfold, language accuracy is vital for accommodating a diverse range of stakeholders, including co-workers, customers, investors, and institutions. At the same time, failure to understand technical and financial terms creates a meeting experience that is as frustrating for the speaker as it is for the participants. Even worse, translation issues can lead to miscommunication, potentially stalling agreements or even breaking them. Within such a delicate industry, this can have severe implications. Especially as multilingual communication is essential for ensuring team collaboration as well as facilitating effective communication between investors and customers across different countries.

In this article, we briefly unpack the challenges and benefits of hosting multilingual events before exploring steps that finance and insurance companies can take to source the right language interpretation solution. One that leads to successful, stress-free, and accurate multilingual events. 

Topics: Event Solutions Language Solutions & Technology How-To Guides
5 min read

How pharma and life science companies can run accurate multilingual events

By Patricia Magaz on July 5, 2023

Medical innovation thrives on multinational collaboration and knowledge sharing. Within the medical and pharma industry, multilingual events play a key role in facilitating conversations, enhancing scientific knowledge, and fostering partnerships between industry players. 

As global events, language accuracy is vital for accommodating a diverse range of stakeholders including researchers, scientists, healthcare professionals, investors, and regulatory authorities. At the same time, inaccurate translation of technical and scientific terms creates an event experience that is as frustrating for the speaker as it is for the audience. Even worse, translation issues can lead to miscommunication, potentially leaving event attendees misinformed on the latest developments. Within such a stringently regulated industry, this can have severe legal implications. Especially as multilingual events are essential for ensuring compliance with local regulations, as well as facilitating effective communication between regulators and industry professionals across different countries.

In this article, we briefly unpack the challenges and benefits of hosting multilingual events before exploring steps that pharma and life science companies can take to source the right language interpretation solution. One that leads to successful, stress-free, and accurate multilingual events. 

Topics: Businesses Event Solutions
8 min read

Ten tips for creating stunning international hybrid events

By Markus Aregger on June 22, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns during 2020 and 2021 forced event managers to rethink how they host conferences, seminars, workshops, and other meetings. 

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Live Captions Event Solutions
2 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 15

By Dora Murgu on December 21, 2022

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast below:




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Find out how Daniel turned into an interpreter from a craftsman, whether Interprefy has people onsite, the challenges of covering various time zones, and what happens behind the scenes regarding event planning and preparation. 
Hit that play button to hear this and many more exciting topics they covered in this episode.


Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Interpreters Interprefy Podcast Event Solutions
4 min read

The demand for sustainable events is heating up

By Oddmund Braaten on November 17, 2022

Unless you haven’t heard, there’s a pretty big sustainability conference taking place in Egypt this month, aiming to once again highlight the action (or lack of) on climate change over the past year.

Managers in the events industry will be keeping a keen eye on progressions, as the conference couldn’t come at a more perfect time. In-person events are back in full swing, but with plenty of appetite for sustainable events from attendees, many are looking for help in delivering eco-friendly events that go beyond simply hosting them online.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Sustainability Live Captions Event Solutions
6 min read

Virtual sales kick-off meetings for global teams

By Patricia Magaz on November 7, 2022

Going into the new year, hosting a sales kickoff (SKO) is a great opportunity to rally your sales and marketing organization around your latest company strategies, plans, and best practices. 

Topics: Virtual Events Event Solutions
1 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 14

By Dora Murgu on October 6, 2022

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast below:



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Portuguese(BR) interpreter and founder of King Tradução, Arthur Dias connects with Interprefy's Senior Training Specialist, Jelena Markovic. In this episode, we talk about the difference between onsite and online meetings and events for interpreters, the significance of training and preparation of all parties involved, as well as the remote support's role at Interprefy.


Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Interpreters Interprefy Podcast Event Solutions
1 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 13

By Dora Murgu on July 12, 2022

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast below:



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French interpreter and influencer Mike Lemay connects with Interprefy's Head of People and Culture, Comfort Macauley. This episode discusses the importance of creating, nurturing, and increasing your network, including non-conventional platforms.


Topics: Interpreters Interprefy Podcast Event Solutions