<img src="https://ws.zoominfo.com/pixel/ODemgiDEhQshzjvCQ1qL" width="1" height="1" style="display: none;">
4 min read

Your Meetings Are Confidential, but Are They Secure?

Finance and insurance companies handle vast amounts of sensitive data—from confidential client information to...

6 min read

Best Language Solutions for Onsite & Hybrid Events

For event organisers and planners, managing onsite and hybrid multilingual events can be overwhelming. Finding reliable...

4 min read

Interprefy Now Enhanced: More Languages, More Freedom

Running a multilingual discussion has always been a complex challenge, requiring seamless, real-time accessibility to...

7 min read

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) 2025: What you need to know about Captioning Requirements

Imagine turning on your television and being greeted by a wall of sound, unintelligible and inaccessible. For millions...

7 min read

The Future of Live Captioning: How Interprefy AI Powers Accessibility

In today’s world, where events can span continents and conversations happen across languages, ensuring that everyone...

5 min read

AI Live Translation Hacks: Turning Q1 Events into Global Hubs

Every January, as Q1 begins, businesses around the world set ambitious goals and dive into a bustling event season with...

4 min read

The Evolution of Interprefy: Transforming Simultaneous Interpretation

In 2014, a bold idea was born in Zurich that would forever change the interpretation and translation industry. Kim...

5 min read

How finance and insurance leaders can improve global collaboration

Are communication barriers hindering the success of your business? If so, you’re not alone. Many international finance...

4 min read

5 Game-Changing RSI Strategies to Elevate Your Q1 Global Events

Q1 is a crucial time for businesses to set the tone for the year. For event planners and conference organizers, this...

4 min read

Why Interprefy RSI & Real-Time Translation Are Vital for Your Business

As Interprefy celebrates its 10th anniversary, we reflect on a decade of helping the language industry and empowering...

3 min read

AI-Powered Speech Translation is Revolutionizing Multilingual Events

Did you know that 94% of multilingual event planning professionals are considering using AI speech translation and...

5 min read

Revolutionising multilingual meetings-10 ways Interprefy Now stands out

Communication barriers pose a significant challenge in international professional face-to-face setups, especially when...

6 min read

The Evolution of Meeting  Interpretation: From Interpreters to AI

In business, effective communication is the cornerstone of success. This is true whether you’re in a high-stakes...

7 min read

Is Interprefy AI the AI speech translation solution you need?

Interprefy AI is a scalable AI speech translation solution that offers real-time translations for businesses and...

8 min read

What to look for in a good AI speech translator

Want to understand what makes one speech translation solution better than another? Consider the words ‘except’ and...

6 min read

Navigating the intricacies of AI translation and professional interpretation

Don’t believe the hype - they are different solutions for different problems

The art of translation has long been a...

3 min read

AI’s Empowerment: Propelling Business Connectivity Beyond Borders

This article was first published at Enterprise Times

There is no denying that artificial intelligence (AI) is one of...

5 min read

How to run accurate multilingual conferences in the financial sector

Global cooperation plays a crucial role in stimulating economic development. Within the finance and insurance sectors,...

5 min read

6 reasons (with data) why your business needs live translation

For many businesses, expanding into new markets is the key to growth. However, as you move into other regions, partner...

4 min read

5 tips to make your event more accessible when you are on a budget

Did you know that women involved in rear-end car crashes are three times more likely to suffer whiplash injuries...

6 min read

3 (affordable) alternatives to in-person simultaneous interpretation

Effective communication across languages is crucial for successful collaboration and understanding in our...

3 min read

Is sustainability lost in translation?

This article was first published in Prestige Events

As awareness of climate change increases, the public and private...

5 min read

Interpreters vs AI - the key differences

With the rapid advancements in AI technology, real-time translation of meetings or event speeches is now possible...

5 min read

How pharma and life science companies can run accurate multilingual events

Medical innovation thrives on multinational collaboration and knowledge sharing. Within the medical and pharma...

3 min read

6 proven tips for saving money when booking interpretation services

Language barriers can be a significant obstacle when it comes to effective communication. Booking interpretation...

3 min read

The cost of inaccessibility: Why events must prioritise accessibility

First published on Smartmeetings.com

It’s 2023, and we’re still talking about a lack of accessibility in the events...

5 min read

6 Incredible Benefits of Hybrid Events

"Hybrid event" may well be the word of the year within the event industry. Having become the talk of town, the concept...

8 min read

Ten tips for creating stunning international hybrid events

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns during 2020 and 2021 forced event managers to rethink how they host...

6 min read

What is a hybrid event and how do I get started?

The COVID-19 pandemic forced event planners to shift to virtual events in March 2020. While this was an unexpected...

3 min read

8 tips for interpretation success in virtual meetings on Zoom or Teams

Thanks to online meeting platforms like Zoom, Teams, or Webex, connecting with colleagues, peers, clients, or partners...

5 min read

How accurate are AI-translated captions?

A fundamental change in media consumption behaviour coupled with quantum leaps in AI technology has made AI-translated...

4 min read

ChatGPT: 5 ways event organisers can use AI tools today

First published on Aithority.com

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) used to be the stuff of dreams for event...

9 min read

Understanding the accuracy of AI captions: A comprehensive guide

Closed captions are an effective technique to improve accessibility, engagement, and information retention during...

92 min read

The best headsets for remote interpreters & speakers

Good sound quality has a direct impact on the success of any meeting and event, and yet it is too often overlooked....

6 min read

Interpretation vs translation - what is the difference?

Language is the basis of communication and the means through which we communicate ourselves to others. Communication...

8 min read

Multilingual MS Teams meetings: 3 options for language interpretation

When it comes to virtual or hybrid meetings, Microsoft Teams stands out as a top choice for many. Its user-friendly...

7 min read

From analogue to virtual - why it's time to upgrade the interpreter booth

In today's globalized world, communication across different languages is more important than ever before. As businesses...

7 min read

How accurate are captions in Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Interprefy?

Zoom and Teams both have an appealing feature that allows meeting attendees to activate closed captioning. This tool...

5 min read

Quebec Bill 96: Bringing French translation to meetings and events

The issue of language rights has been divisive in Quebec, Canada, for many years. Only 8.9% of Quebec residents...

2 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 15

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

7 min read

Built to scale: adding simultaneous interpretation to on-site events

Adding language interpretation to on-site events has traditionally been a logistical challenge. It often involved...

1 min read

Interprefy's Festive Season Radio show

It's beginning to look a lot like... Yeah, you've guessed it, it's that time of the year already! And to celebrate the...

4 min read

Key learnings from planning a virtual end-of-the-year celebration

As we are busy tackling end-of-the-year planning, many teams are brainstorming how we approach year-end get-togethers...

4 min read

The demand for sustainable events is heating up

Unless you haven’t heard, there’s a pretty big sustainability conference taking place in Egypt this month, aiming to...

3 min read

Sales kick-off meetings: Engaging global teams with live translation

As we’re venturing into the new year, many companies are finalising the preparation of their sales kick-off meetings....

6 min read

Virtual sales kick-off meetings for global teams

Going into the new year, hosting a sales kickoff (SKO) is a great opportunity to rally your sales and marketing...

7 min read

“What if the Wi-Fi fails” and other remote interpreting myths debunked

Remember the times when suggesting working from home was seen as an absurdity? “There’s no way you can be productive at...

6 min read

Guide for speakers at meetings with simultaneous interpretation

Are you speaking at an upcoming meeting or event with simultaneous interpretation? Make sure you follow the tips below...

1 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 14

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

4 min read

Live machine translation: a new dawn for conference interpreters?

This article was originally published on AIJourn.com

Advancements in communication technology are helping bring the...

3 min read

Can the metaverse help create more inclusive events?

This article was originally published on Exhibitionworld.co.uk

Events have a diversity problem. Up to 40 percent of...

12 min read

Live translation options for Zoom: interpretation and AI captions

You're hosting a business meeting, town hall, or webinar on Zoom, but not everyone joining speaks the same language....

4 min read

Web conferencing with live language translation: options and cost

It’s hard to believe that just a few years ago most events were not fully capable of reaching large multinational...

4 min read

5 Benefits of live language translation for marketing events

With the rise of online video conferencing technology, it has become easier for brands to create events that can reach...

5 min read

What to Look for in a Simultaneous Interpretation Solution?

Simultaneous interpretation (SI) is the process of conveying a speaker’s message from one language to another in real...

7 min read

Types and modes of interpretation you need to know

Interpretation is the art of transforming a message from one language to another, either through speaking or signing....

4 min read

Remote simultaneous interpretation: 3 on-site and hybrid scenarios

A hybrid event combines in-person and online elements. In other words, an in-person event that has speakers, attendees...

9 min read

Audio compression in RSI demystified by audio engineer Richard Schiller

We have uploaded this article to our Interprefied podcast and is now available on your preferred podcast directory.


4 min read

Simultaneous interpretation cost comparison: in-person vs remote

The widespread adoption of digital technology has made simultaneous interpretation more accessible than ever before....

1 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 13

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

2 min read

Technical requirements for interpreters performing on Interprefy

With the shift from physical to online conferencing, technology has become a strong enabler in bridging language gaps...

5 min read

Virtual Town Hall Meetings: 10 Easy Tips to Drive Inclusivity and Engagement

Even though remote working has provided greater flexibility, it’s still almost impossible to gather all staff in one...

1 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode 12

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

3 min read

Why you should consider adding live captions and subtitles to your next event

What is the connection between Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, and YouTube? Without a doubt, they are among the...

7 min read

Captions vs Subtitles - what is the difference?

Whether you are a content creator, event manager, meeting organiser, or busy professional, adding subtitles or closed...

2 min read

Interprefiers take the floor: April special edition

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

5 min read

Remote interpreting for on-site events: back to the future

For nearly two years now event and meeting organisers worldwide have been trying out new and creative ways to take...

5 min read

How is the Metaverse changing the event industry?

Most events are, at their core, about connecting people with a shared, valuable experience. From roaring fans at a...

6 min read

Checklist: online event data security tips

Thanks to modern technologies, it’s easier than ever for businesses to deliver meetings, webinars, and events via the...

6 min read

Rethinking event success: How event performance metrics are changing for the better

Many consider Cleopatra to be the first recorded event planner in history. She knew the value of bringing people...

15 min read

60+ event platforms that now offer an integrated live translation experience

The appetite for virtual events does not seem to slow down. According to marketwatch.com the year-over-year growth rate...

4 min read

How to successfully host multilingual business meetings

When holding meetings with partners, customers, suppliers, or peers across multiple countries, language can often pose...

10 min read

Celebrating International Women's Day to #Breakthebias for women in tech

There is little doubt that there's a gender gap in today's world. In its Global Gender Gap Report 2021, The World...
6 min read

Remote interpreting – What you need to know

The International Organization for Standarization (ISO) defines interpreting as "rendering of spoken or signed...

4 min read

How remote interpreting can address these 4 global business challenges

What does it mean to lead global business? Typically you’ll be facing challenges that companies with a smaller...

1 min read

Interprefiers take the floor: February special edition

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

5 min read

How remote interpreting can help reduce your event’s carbon footprint

Conferences and events are integral parts of doing business in today's world. Even with the rise of technologies that...

2 min read

10+ benefits of using Interprefy for Zoom meetings with real-time interpretation

While Zoom offers some built-in language interpretation capabilities, Interprefy's expertise, support, and cutting-edge...

2 min read

Interpreter & Head of Development | Interprefiers take the floor - Episode #9

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

8 min read

What are the benefits of remote simultaneous interpretation?

Conference interpreting hasn't changed much since 1945 - but it has definitely undergone a seismic shift since 2020. ...

4 min read

How can RSI support hybrid events?

Sourcing an accurate and clear language interpretation solution is essential to delivering high-quality multilingual ...

3 min read

Localising Event Experiences Is key to Scaling Into New Regions

The shift toward digital experiences and virtual events has created an opportunity for businesses to expand into new...

1 min read

Interpreter Meets Sales Manager | Episode 8

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

4 min read

How to overcome international business communication barriers

If you work in a multinational, you’ll get a taste for the experiences only larger, multilingual companies can offer —...

3 min read

Why your next hybrid event must (and can) be inclusive

Hybrid events blend the best qualities of virtual event platforms with traditional venue-based events — literally...

4 min read

6 ways to level up your online events

Consumers have recently undergone a dramatic shift in expectations. Now more and more consumers expect top digital...

1 min read

Interpreter Meets Project Manager | Episode 7

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

4 min read

What the last year has taught us about inclusivity for events

In March of 2020, we published a blog post offering advice on how to improve the diversity and inclusion of your online...

3 min read

How language interpretation can boost your webinar reach

Webinars have been around for decades and, just like almost anything that’s been around this long, they have evolved....

4 min read

4 common mistakes to avoid in multilingual online conferences

The new norm of global web conferencing has made it as easy as never before to connect with global peers and audiences....

4 min read

How to make the best web conferencing platforms multilingual

More and more events are being taken online to ensure we can stay connected, keep learning and continue communicating....

6 min read

Translation, interpretation, captions, subtitles - what's the difference?

In an era of globalization, business communication is reaching across international borders, geographic locations and...

1 min read

Interpreter meets AV project manager | Interprefiers take the floor - Episode #6

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

9 min read

Interpreters share their biggest linguistic challenges

The beauty of language diversity is also the source of many challenges, especially when interpreters are faced with...

2 min read

Interpreter meets Senior Trainer | Interprefiers take the floor - Episode #5

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

2 min read

Interpreter meets sound engineer | Interprefiers take the floor - Episode #4

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

2 min read

Interprefiers take the floor - Episode #3

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast...

6 min read

How to set up multilingual webinars on any meeting platform

In just months, the global landscape has changed dramatically, with almost every sector having to pivot to digital...

5 min read

Effective tips & tactics to promote your online multilingual events

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the events industry status quo. And for companies to survive and thrive in our ‘new...

5 min read

How to set up Interprefy for virtual and hybrid conferences

The events industry is in uncharted territory. With many conferences having to pivot to the virtual environment in the...

6 min read

Tools, tactics & features to drive online event engagement

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a key driver in the rapid adoption of virtual environments. 

This is not to say that...

4 min read

5 things you can learn from 2020’s best online events

Up until recently, online events were considered a last resort for event professionals. Mainstream digital experiences...

9 min read

Ideas to make your online multilingual events stand out

With more events move online, event organisers and managers of traditionally “offline” events are coming to realise...

5 min read

How COVID-19 has changed the world of translation & interpretation

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world irrevocably, forcing almost every industry to rapidly adopt online...

6 min read

Guide to getting the most out of virtual conference platforms

In light of the challenges presented by COVID-19, more and more events are taking place online.

Thanks to modern...

5 min read

Tips on how to make your online events more engaging for your audience

When it comes to assessing the success of an event, a key variable to consider is audience engagement. Opinions,...

4 min read

Improving the diversity and inclusion of your online event

As a result of COVID-19, events and conferences across the globe are being cancelled en masses to help mitigate the...

4 min read

Can conferences go ahead despite the threat of the Coronavirus?

As an industry that relies upon travel and thrives on face-to-face interactions (conferences, seminars and talks), the...

3 min read

Why conference engagement won't be enough in 2020

I was on a flight from Barcelona to London recently and found myself contemplating the predicament event organisers...

7 min read

Interpreter profile: Patrick Lehner

In this interpreter profile, Patrick Lehner discusses his experiences, how remote simultaneous interpreting has helped...

6 min read

Five things you need to know about remote simultaneous interpretation

When it comes to services like remote simultaneous interpretation there are a number of common misconceptions.


5 min read

Four tips on how to make an event successful

Everywhere you look, there is change across the events industry. Against a backdrop of technological disruption, a...

2 min read

Taking a close look at the industry trends coming from IBTM World

We attended IBTM World in Barcelona. Here are a few quick thoughts from Greg McEwan, head of communications, on several...

5 min read

How the interpreting industry can help post-Brexit Britain

UK companies cannot afford to rely on Anglophone export markets alone. Technology provides the agility they require to...

4 min read

Why the cloud interpreter is the future of tech based events

Perhaps in no other area is this change as evident as in technology. As the global economy slipped into the most...

4 min read

Will interpreters be replaced by technology? 

What is the future of interpretationWill interpreters be replaced by technology? These are all increasingly common...

7 min read

What does an interpreter do? A day in the life

Interpreters live exciting lives. No two days are the same. They are always on the go and they are their own masters...